Ofcom Website | Global Citizens and Consumers in the Internet Age

This is a great presentation by Professor Rushkoff which really breaks down and explains some of our basic assumptions about the economy and capitalism, explaining a bit of history to help us understand the current “financial markets crisis” as well as clarifying how we have new technologies that essentially undermine our concept of outdated economies.

Ofcom Website | Global Citizens and Consumers in the Internet Age.

Overview: Professor Douglas Rushkoff, Professor of Communications, NYU , to provide insights into latest research on the transformative nature of the internet on the economic and social dynamics of consumers and users, and their commercial implications – vital information for regulators, industry and investors as they seek to remain relevant in this new ecology.

Keynote:Professor Douglas Rushkoff, Professor of Communications, NYU

Chair: Tim Gardam , Board Member, Ofcom

Reflections and Closing Remarks by Ed Richards , Chief Executive, Ofcom